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Women Veterans Recognition Day

Did you know there is a Women Veterans Day? Do you know why it is celebrated on June 12th? Did you know New York was one of the first states to honor Women Veterans back in 2008?

I didn't know that either! June 12th is Women Veterans Recognition Day. What is Women Veterans Recognition Day???

On this day, in 1948, President Harry S. Truman signed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act that officially granted women the right to serve actively and permanently in the U.S. Armed Forces. Currently, Women Veterans Recognition Day is only recognized in 21 states, with New York being one of the first states to celebrate us.

Therefore, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, we celebrated the women of Monroe County & Western NY with our proud sponsor DAV New York Headquarters. Each attendee received a yellow rose for a special activity, followed by a pink rose to take home as a thank you + a spa or gardening wellness bag!

We had special guests from our local community governments such as Assemblyman Demond Meeks, Legislator Tracy DiFlorio, representatives from Senator Jeremy Cooney, Senator Samra Brouk, and Senator Pamela Helming offices. We received 2 Proclamations- one from Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and another from Senator Brouk, a Congressional Award from Congressman Joe Morelle delivered by John Pellito, the inaugural WELE Award for “Women’s Empowerment & Leadership Excellence,” and a beautiful message from DAV National Commander, Nancy Espinosa.

Thank you to our families & new friends who came out to celebrate & continue to support our women veterans. Thank you to Amy Vanderwerken, and the Blue Star Mothers Chapter 8, for hosting our event. Shout out to our photographer of the evening, Glenn Peck. Our mothers, Debra and Lynn, thank you for making the gift bags. Lastly, but certainly not least,  thank you to the group of women I had the pleasure of curating this event with. More to come, ladies!


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