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Combatant: Nickie Renee

Artist (noun): A person who does anything very well, with imagination and a feeling for form, effect...

That is one of the most fitting definitions of our first featured Combat4Her Combatant, Nickie Renee. She is a skilled make-up artist, published photographer, creative writer featured with Warrior Writers, mixed-media artist, and a model (she is the legs featured at our home page!) This super creator uses her creativity in multi-dimensional art forms to shed light on personal & societal taboo issues.

To give a little background, Nickie Renee is an Air Force veteran from Casa Grande, AZ. She served 7 years as a Service Specialist working in food services & lodging and a Cadre, a training instructor for a deployment readiness squadron. After she got out of the Air Force, she went to beauty school studying to be an esthetician and makeup artistry. She wanted to pursue her passion of make-up and its rooted side effects in society on a professional level. Often times, the makeup world comes with double standards. Most people think that it is solely associated with the girly-girl types & vanity. She wants to challenge that idea and inform her audience that there is an alternate power within the beauty community by breaking the gender stereotypes associated with makeup artistry. She describes her artistry as,

"A means of an escape & self-expression. A creative thirst to be met. It makes me feel like I has something to offer. And keeps me alive."

One of her pieces that speaks significant volumes and resonates with many women in service is "Shut Up & Color." Nickie's powerful interpretation is fueled from her experiences in the military that were undeniably tough. "Shut Up & Color" sheds light on the silencing of female voices in the military. There are moments when we are overshadowed by men when it is our time to be leaders, silenced when we report cases of sexual trauma/domestic abuse, and silenced when we are forced to suffer alone when it comes to our mental and reproductive health issues. Not every thing can be carried on smartly. This piece is for those who feel like they cannot stand up and speak up for themselves, which, of course, we encourage you to do. There are many forms you can speak up whether verbal, written, in art or in action. Just find an outlet which works for you.

Thank you for your courageous art and your voice, Nickie.

Where you can find her:

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