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Curse of the GI Bill!

On the anniversary of my college graduation, let me share the dark tale of the Curse of the GI Bill...

I was one of those veteran students who wanted to do a complete 180° from what I did in the military. I was a postal clerk in the Navy for five years and went on to work for the DOD for four years right after. After two furloughs and soda on the side, I knew I had to change my complacent sunny San Diego life because things were starting to get stagnant and Groundhog’s Day-ish. After being out of military for two years, I jump started my education journey, and like many vets, I used my Post 9/11 GI Bill. The Navy wouldn’t have issued me an educational benefit if they did not want me to use it, right?! I went to community college at San Diego Miramar College, then transferred to Temple University in Philly. The coastal jump was big, but totally worth being out of my comfort zone. I chose to major in Communication Studies. If you studied Communications, you know that our degree allows us to be anything we want to be when we grow up. You can go into marketing, business, PR, social work, advocacy, law… You name it! *Shirley Caesar voice*

So, I got my degree. Now what?!

There is a shocking reality that we, the 180° graduating vets, have in common with our 22 year old college peers: entering the job market sucks for us too! People say “Oh wow! You’re a veteran. I know you have a job lined up!” But the truth is we are struggling to find where we fit in because we are essentially starting from the bottom just like our classmates. We are experienced entry-level potentials because we decided to move in a different direction than our military careers. I know I am good at finances and customer service, but I chose communications because I am creative and I want to share my voice for the people.

I don’t know how many times people have asked me if I wanted to go back to civil service, but this time with my degree in hand. They try to convince me that I can make some "real money" now. THANKS, BUT NO THANKS! I initially got my DOD job because I didn’t want to go back to New York and I was great at what I did… 4 years ago. I had to regroup with myself and realize that I have more dimensions to me and bigger aspirations than being a DOD stamp licker. I have my degree now and I better use it for what I want.

To the veterans going to school for something outside of what they did in the military, stay encouraged. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE PICKY! You earned a degree in something you are interested in and believe it's the best fit for you and your goals. I just wish I knew that job hunting was a harder uphill battle than expected. It is especially harder for those of you that are not in hot spot locations for the job market you are looking into and you know your self-worth plus tax. I will tell you like I tell my young-ins:

"If you have to settle, settle for a window until you get to that door. Just make sure it’s in the same building!" -Me

There are a lot of resources to get us out there and prepped for job interviews and assimilate to wearing different clothes everyday. I struggled searching on Craigslist, Indeed, and LinkedIn, and found out that I needed external help. I went to the VA and asked for job search assistance and I was set up with a Vocational Rehab counselor. He has been a great help to re-evaluate my résumé and search for jobs in places I did not know about. I would also advise you to see if your city has veteran outreach centers too.

In the end, it wasn't the GI Bill that cursed me, it's just the dilemma I have to face in my new "real world." I am super thankful for 19 year old Quing A•Rod putting $100 a month away for one year towards her GI Bill to not have debt in order to achieve her educational goals! Best of luck to all you veterans embarking on your collegiate journeys & CONGRATS to the class of 2018! You all earned this education benefit and your degrees will definitely be put to good use. Just make sure you enjoy your college experience too. I know I’m glad I went as a grown up!

Until next time...

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