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What is C♀MBAT?

C♀MBAT is an online forum for female veterans by female veterans. We are here to empower our sisters with a platform to share their stories, express themselves freely and creatively.


Female vets include and are not limited to: active duty, retired, the honorable/dishonorable discharged, international service members, spouses, and even the Coast Guard! 


Welcome to C♀MBAT, Ladies! We look forward to serving you!


Quing A•Rod honorably served in the U.S. Navy as a Postal Clerk & Logistic Specialist. She was stationed in Japan, Bahrain, England, California, and was once deployed to Kuwait during Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Proud graduate from Temple "][" University! During her time at Temple, she served as President for their student org Temple Veterans Association. As president, she helped establish the first Military & Veteran Services Center on campus, peer supported ~1100 student veterans, and worked closely with the Philadelphia veteran community. ​


She previously worked as an Outreach Coordinator with Veterans Upward Bound at the Rochester Institute of Technology. There, she curated 2 inaugural women veteran events, Heritage of Heroines & Women Veterans Recognition Day to celebrate the legacy of women veterans in Western New York.

Her years of service & time at Temple helped paved the way to start C♀MBAT.

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